Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday's Treasures - Cups and Saucers

I was given this small cup and saucer set which belonged to my Nan after she died. She was my Mum's mother. I really adored her and I was only 10yrs old when she died. She had had a number of strokes and my Mum had looked after her quite a lot in my early years.

I remember at the age of 4 constantly getting my Mum to make Nan a cup of tea while she sat on our front verandah. I would spend all day combing her hair and helping her eat and drink. She was unable to talk and was paralysed on the right side of her body.

When Nan died all of her granddaughters were given a cup and saucer. She had very little to give and a large family. She didn't have enough normal sized sets so the younger granddaughters were given a small cup and saucer.

I really treasure my set as I have very little that belonged to Nan. My most treasured memories of her are getting her cups of tea so it is only fitting that I have this cup and saucer.

I got this cup, saucer and plate set from my Grandma in England. She used to use this cup and saucer when she had visitors.

When Grandma died in 1990 my dad went over to England. I asked him to bring me back a cup and saucer as I wanted something that belonged to her.

As I had the other cup and saucer from Nan I really wanted one that belonged to Grandma so I had one from both my grandmothers.

Don't forget to check out Clare's blog for other Tuesday's Treasures.


Janice said...

What beautiful treasures. They are such a personal reminder of your grandmothers.

Mistea said...

Beautiful treasures.

My Granny always had her tea from a cup and saucer, the one she used was very similar to the first one you showed.

Thanks for sharing your memories.

Unknown said...

What a lovely keepsake and that there is a connection with it makes it the more special . Thanks for playing and showing your treasure .

Liz said...

A lovely story-- I love the teacups. real treasures

Jeni said...

love the teacups. real treasures
when i was reading all about you...
you almost had me going lol

marina said...

How beautiful that you have a cup set from each grandmother.
Looking after your grandmother makes a special bond.

Bec said...

Very nice! Something special to remember them by.