Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What I've been doing

This is a table runner that I made last week.
It was really easy to make.
 I have had the pattern and fabrics to make it for a couple of years so thought it was time to make it.
 I have also made this table runner for my coffee table.
 It was made out of a jelly roll.
 I really enjoyed making it.
I now have to quilt and bind both these table runners.

Last month Treasure and I went to my Auntie's 80th birthday celebration in Brisbane. My cousin had organised a surprise lunch for her. She was truly surprised but really enjoyed herself with family and friends.
 This is my aunt opening her quilt that I made for her. She was so excited to receive it as she had admired the quilts around my house when she visited me.
 This is my aunt with her son, myself and another aunt of mine.
We all had a great afternoon.
 This is me with the quilt I made for my aunt, which I made when I was at retreat at Glenrose Cottage in Warwick. I borrowed the photo from Teresa (All Things Vintage blog) as I didn't take any photos of the quilt.


Susan said...

Great work Aunty and its great to see you in blog land!!!

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

Did you tell your Aunt she had to fight the rest of us off to get it? Lucky lady.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison you do such lovely work,well done and lucky Aunty.xx

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