Treasure has replanted my vegie garden over the past couple of weeks. He has cleaned it out, dug in new manure and planted many seedlings. He has planted tomatoes, lettuce, silverbeet, kale, asian vegies, onions, carrots and some new herbs.

Last year's crop was great. The lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, beans, asian vegies and herbs were fantastic. There was an abundent supply of silverbeet, spinach and silverbeet. The zucchinis and squash were enormous and seemed to grow overnight.

I just hope this year's crop is as good, especially as my Mum will be visiting in August and she loves vegies. It is always so nice to eat you own vegies and herbs as they taste so much better.

I'm so glad that I have treasure in my life as he is a great gardener and handyman. I certainly am no gardener. I just have to remember to water the garden when he is away up north working.
Do you think Treasure might come and sort out my kikuyu filled garden????
The veges look great!
Wow! Wonderful garden goodies!!!
I thought it was winter, or at least the beginning of winter down your way, and that the veggie patches were pretty much done...?
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