Last month we started on our 1st Block of "Back to the Farm".
It should take us 1 lesson to do each block or so we thought!!
3 lessons down and we now have the 1st block ready to quilt.

We spent the whole1st lesson drawing the animal applique pieces onto fusible webbing and then cutting them out. There was over 70 pieces and most of them were tiny.

At home we had to iron them onto the fabrics and cut them out.
The next week we made the animals up.

Last week we ironed the animals in place on the background fabric and then started to machine sew around each animal. I didn't do much sewing as my machine just didn't want to work properly, or maybe it was actually me that was the problem!!

We are not using the darning needle and feed dogs down as is in the instructions. We are using an open toe foot and straight sewing with a long stitch as Chris (our teacher) thinks that is much easier especially if you haven't done much stippling and machine quilting. We will do some echo quilting and stippling on each block after sewing the animals on.

Each block is supposed to be done in one lesson but there is far to much to do in 3hrs. I think we will be doing lots of homework.
It will look stunning when finished but so many tiny pieces and fiddling bits. Lots of work, I just hope I haven't taken on too much.
Wow there is some work in that - you have more patience than me. Kylie xxx
OMG! That is SO fiddly...Good luck with it. We may need to keep you motivated with lots of encouragement.xx
WOW! It's looking fantastic! Can't wait to see your stitching when you start it. Hope the machine is ok, that's the last thing you need is machine hassles with making a quilt like this. How is Karen's quilt going????finished quilting it yet??? might have to do a blogpost about it being a slow project in the works.....would love to see it now the top is together......
I love this pattern!
Your first block is looking great! 8-)
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