This is what I encountered driving home yesterday afternoon from work.
This road rarely floods. In the floods last year it only flooded twice but it has now been flooded since yesterday morning.

I wasn't going to attempt to go through the flood water, unlike some other drivers I saw.
I turned around and took a higher road to get home. It might have taken me 20mins more to get home but at least myself and my car are safe.

I can't believe that some drivers, especially in small cars, will attempt to drive through flooded roads. It isn't worth the risk of your life, even if there is no other way to get home.

The above photos are all from the Gold Coast Bulletin website.
I woke up this morning to my backyard flooding.
A quick phone call to Treasure (who is away working) and a disaster has been diverted. There is now a hose from the backyard to the front draining all the water out onto the road. The water just missed going into the garage. I'm so glad Treasure has made sure that the trenches he made during our floods last year are still there to get rid of the excess water.
I was wondering how you were going..our golf course is way under glad we are high up...
see you Tuesday all going well.lol
Gosh, you are copping it up there. Don't get washed away. That Treasure of your definitely is a treasure.
wow, i hope that the rain slows down, clever little treasure you have...
Keep safe Auntie Al..
So sorry about the flooding. I think you are very wise not to take risks.
Oh no! Looks like you don't need any more water your way then ??? Hope you don't get flooded in around March ???
Yep, good thing those trenches are still there. Need some here just to get to the bathroom/kitchen from the house!
Yep, I would stay clear of driving in flood waters too, ESP in a small car.
Does the water get in your shed at all???
Good decision, Aunty! Indeed, it’s not worth the risk! You have to do something to prevent your backyard from flooding again. You can plant rain gardens or install a green roof if your house has a flat roof. The former is designed to collect runoff from roofs, gutters, walkways and parking lots. You just have to do the landscape near the impervious areas so that runoff water could easily get there.
Sharon Strock
I agree with you, Sharon. Another option is to install rain barrels that harvest rainwater. Aside from reducing the chances of flooding, the rainwater can also be used for watering your plants; therefore, allowing you to consume less tap water.
- Tabatha Tidd
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