Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Guess what there it is with a link to a previous post that Chookyblue has written on how to add photos (which includes logos) to your sidebar.
I followed her easy to understand instructions (for us that admit to being very computer illiterate) and now the swap logos are up on my sidebar.
Thank you in advance to everyone who was going to let me know how to do this and a SPECIAL THANK YOU to Chookyblue for having her How bits on her sidebar so we can find exactly how to do something on our blogs.
I just have to remember to go straight to her blog next time I don't know what to do!!!
I have joined a couple of swaps this year and I wanted to add their logos to my sidebar like everyone else does but I have NO idea how to do it.
When I first started my blog in March 2010 my niece Bec set it all up for me. She doesn't live near me so I have learnt how to do some things myself but can't seem to work this one out.
Please someone tell me how to put these logos up.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday's Treasures - Mud Army

For today's Tuesday's Treasures I thought I would pay homage to the Mud Army and all other volunteers that have helped all the communities that have been affected by the Queensland Floods.
These people have spent days helping others who have lost everything and just didn't know where to start cleaning up.
It was great to see parents taking their children out to help, passing on the Australian Community Spirit of helping others in need.

It was really good to see so many young adults helping. They get so much negative press but in this crisis were out in force helping, forgoing their weekend of fun, to help all across SE Qld.
I got the 2 photos above from the Ourbrisbane website.

The people from Bakedrelief have been a godsend to the victims and volunteers arriving with food to fill their bellies to keep them going for long hours. It has meant that these people didn't need to stop cleaning up to find food, they could just keep working.
Thankyou Daniella for this great service.
I got the above 2 photos from Daniella's blog (Digella Emporium)
It really makes me so proud to be an Australian.
My cousin has summed up how all the victims feel when he texted this message to everyone who has helped him.
"Thankyou all so much for your support - food drops, cleaning up or somebody I could just talk to. Your friendship, words of comfort, effort meant so much in this time of need."
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The water missed by 2cm
His last update said
How lucky was that. If the expected peak had happened his apartment would have been flooded.
The water has dropped 1m with a further 1.5m to go.
Now the cleanup begins. The garages are flooded and there is debris everywhere.
The best news is is that he is safe.
Flood Update
I'm now waiting for today's update to see if the water got into his apartment when the Brisbane river peaked at 4.6m at 4.30am today.
I have been getting regular updates from him over the past couple of days.
At midnight Tuesday the water was in the garages of his apartment building and rising at 10cm every hour.
At midday yesterday the water was 40cm from going inside his apartment.
He chose to stay at the apartment block to keep an eye on everything.
I just hope he got all their valuables upstairs into his friend's apartment and that he moved his car to higher ground.
For people who know Brisbane he lives 2 streets from the river not far from the Regatta Hotel.
We are just all so glad to hear that his mother, who lives with him, is in Sydney visiting relatives.
My son, Tim, who is an Engineer on the Ipswich Highway upgrade, was sent home from work on Tuesday. The office site is at Redbank right next to the highway.
He went out there yesterday and the ground floor of the building is flooded. This means his desk is flooded, computer, paperwork etc is all destroyed.
He said in hindsight they should have moved everything from the ground floor to the 1st floor before they left work, but at the time the bosses just wanted everyone home safely before the flood hit Ipswich.
At least they are all safe.
Tim spent Tuesday evening helping his mate's uncle and family move everything that they could out of their home in Indooroopilly.
They all went back to check the house yesterday and it is completely inundated with water.
Tim said the whole street is flooded and you can only see the rooftops of the houses in the street.
After the water subsides he will be back there helping with the clean up.
Tim said Brisbane looks so surreal and there is devastation everywhere you look along the river.
Even though the Brisbane river has peaked lower than the 1974 flood level the damage will be greater due to the higher population and greater number of buildings.
We are just so thankful that all our friends and family that live in the flooded areas of Qld are safe. I hope that all your friends and family are also safe wherever they may be in Qld.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Welcome 2011
I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve, whether you were celebrating, having a quiet evening at home or working.
I had to work the evening shift but was home by 11pm. As I'm not working until night duty tonight Treasure and I decided to go to our local tavern after I got home from work. The band wasn't too bad, and we had a couple of quiet drinks there and then walked back home.
Do any of you make New Year Resolutions?
I don't make them as I figure most people break them so why even bother to make them in the first place.
Apparently 80-90% of people break their New Year Resolutions by the end of January.
With that statistic why do people feel the need to make resolutions?
I hope 2011 is a year filled with Love, Peace and Harmony for the whole World.