Today's Tuesday's Treasures is my German Witch that my father bought me a few years ago.
The last time he came up from Sydney with Mum to visit I took them to Tamborine Mountain. Mum loves the shops at Tamborine and so do I. While we were there Dad wanted to buy me a present.
When we were in the German Cuckoo Clock Shop (which is my favourite shop there) I saw this Witch and just had to have her.
She is a good witch, not a bad witch.
She sits at my front door to protect the house and stop evil people from entering.
She may not look beautiful but I think she is gorgeous. She is also the last present that Dad bought me before he got too ill to go shopping. He died in Jan 2009 so she reminds me of the last time he spent at my home.
Don't forget to drop over to Clare's Blog for more Tuesday's Treasures.